Welcome to the part two of the MSIX App attach So, in our previous blog, we discussed how to create the MSIX package from the packaging tool. Now it's time for us to deploy the MSIX to our AVD solution. Before we proceed there are a few things that you need to know, you need to have a storage account and a file share inside that is integrated without AD and with the relevant permission. Please follow the below steps from Microsoft to configure the required permissions for your MSIX app attach container. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-desktop/app-attach-file-share Having said that I have already setup my file share, Okay let’s get down to the business. :D Since we have the package ready, we need to create VHD to extract the data. I’m using the below script to create a VHD in host environment or you can simply attach a VHD to your packaging environment. New-VHD -SizeBytes 500MB -Path c:\temp\vscode2.vhd -Dynamic -Confirm:$false $vhdObject = Mount-VHD c:\temp\vscode2.v