Hey Folks
Recently Microsoft has announched that, Azure now supports VM Selective backups.
What is this selective backup??. This will allow the admins/customers to backup only the selected disks in a VM to Azure backup. But at the moment we can only perform the following scnearios
We have a Linux VM which has OS Disk and 2 data disks as mention below
What we can do is
- Backup All Data disks (Typical option)
- Backup only the OS disk
- Backup OS Disk + Disk 1
- Backup OS Disk + Disk 2
What we cannot do is back up on the data disks without the OS disk.
I will talk about option 2 and 3 ( 4 is same as 3). Basically I will be covering the new options. Alos on this to note, at the moment option 3 only can be set from powershell. There is no GUI option for it.
Backup OS Disk + Data Disk 1
Get VM Disk Details
Get-AzDisk -ResourceGroupName AE-DEV-LINUX
Get Azure VM Datadisk details
$Vm = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName AE-DEV-LINUX -Name LinuxVm01
Determine Datadisk lun details
Specify the data disk lun numbers seperated with a comma
$disks = ("0")
$targetVault = Get-AzRecoveryServicesVault -ResourceGroupName AE-DEV-LINUX -Name LinuxRecovery
Setting the vault content
Set-AzRecoveryServicesVaultContext -Vault $targetVault
GetBackup policy details to a variable
$pol = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtectionPolicy -Name "Linux"
Enable Protection
Enable-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtection -Policy $pol -Name "LinuxVm01" -ResourceGroupName "AE-DEV-LINUX" -InclusionDisksList $disks -VaultId $targetVault.ID
check the Backup status
$item= Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem -BackupManagementType "AzureVM" -WorkloadType "AzureVM" -VaultId $targetVault.ID -FriendlyName "LinuxVm01"
Backup OS Disk Only
To backup the OS disk only, we can achive this from GUi. Simply browse torecovery services vault.
Once you select the VM, you can simply tick the option to backup OS only
Or what you can do is powershell use the below parameer to exclude all data disks
Hope this helps someone (y)
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